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Charleroi Danses

Centre chorégraphique de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles

Charleroi Danses is first and foremost about the artists: in-house artists Michèle Anne De Mey, Thierry De Mey and Pierre Droulers, as well as artists we have chosen to support this season. In all, over twenty choreographers will be working in our different spaces in the course of the year. Their work can be seen scattered throughout the season or reunited during Compil d’Avril. However their work will not be limited to giving performances alone. It will also be translated into their tangible involvement in the life of the Choreographic Centre, including participating in training, workshops and research. It is like putting together a huge jigsaw, generating a buzz between them as they endeavour to offer a glimpse of another vision of dance and its singular nature. The artists are aware of their role in society at large and the mirror they hold up of their vision provides another reflection of reality – a reality where growth is not exclusively economic and development is primarily centred on the human.

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